Still Deciding How To Spend Your Bank Holiday? Look No Further!

This weekend is the one we've all been waiting for, the August Bank Holiday. Where everything is going on and the city never sleeps. Festivals everywhere; from the Reading and Leeds festival to Notting Hill Carnival. If you are a carnival-goer make sure you check out our last post on carnival prep, you don't want to miss it! When you think of a bank holiday this is the one that gets you most excited. Every year there is something bigger and better. We want to make sure you aren't missing out on anything that is happening this weekend. Stay tuned for our recommended events and activities to make the most out of your bank holiday weekend! Weekend Getaway Airbnb has skyrocketed in the last few years with their brand seen everywhere you go. Take advantage of their service and get out of London for a couple of days. The places listed can be affordable and luxury! Perfect for a weekend getaway with your significant other of a group of friends! The app allows you to explore ...