10 Ways To Spend National Relaxation Day

National Relaxation Day couldn't have come sooner. What with every inch of the internet talking about mercury in retrograde, I think we all need a minute to breathe. As the day falls on a weekday, unfortunately, most people will be at work. This shouldn't stop you from having a stress free day though! I am here to give you some ideas about how to spend your day (or evening if you have to work). Sit back and relax.

Pamper Day

If you are currently in bed or at home reading this, then you are one of the lucky ones. Do not waste this opportunity, spend the day pampering yourself! Whether you book a full spa day or simply have a 'you' day. Run a bath, read a book and make some good food. My top tip for you is to turn off your notifications on your phone and switch off the WiFi. You will be surprised at how much you go on your phone every day. Whatever it is that you enjoy, do it. Today is about you and creating a stress-free environment. 

Beach Day

You may be thinking, 'this is London, there are no beaches here'. However, you are mistaken. London is known for doing things a little differently and this includes a man-made beach. Specifically, at the South Bank Centre. It is free to use but it ends on the 9th September, get down there before it ends! Alternatively, if you want to spark the traveler in you Brighton has a wonderful beach and pier. It is a classic fish and chips type of destination; a classic beach day! 

A Calm Playlist

Sometimes all you need to relax is some good music. Take a few moments out of your day to put on a calming playlist; it may be songs with lyrics, instrumental or even the sound of rain and waves. Why not give something new a try and see if it relaxes you. I would suggest piano instrumental music as it can fit a variety of moods. If you're not sure, try listening to Classical FM in the background of your day; it might make a nice change. 

Family Time

Relaxing by yourself is great but in some cases, you need people around you to relax. Visit some family and spend the day with them. We often take the family for granted, so use today to spend quality time with them. Use some of the other ideas on this list to inspire your day! Maybe take them out for lunch - everyone loves a picnic!

A Day With Your SO

Often it isn't just you that needs a relaxation day but so does your relationship. Spend today relaxing with your significant other, take some time to appreciate them and listen to how their week is going. You could go out, like a beach day or set up some mellow activities at home and have a day of no social media.  


This may have been an obvious one to some people but it is it always looked over. Meditation and mindfulness practice is one of the best ways to calm your mind, body, and soul. Try it for a day and you may just love it! I suggest for any beginners, to download an app or watch YouTube videos so you get the most out of your meditation. Alternatively, if you are looking for a quick fix; just take a few deep breaths, that should do the trick.

Go For A Walk

Going for a walk can be just as relaxing as everything else on this list. London has some great places to go in the city. Although, if you're looking for somewhere more scenic, Richmond Park is a beautiful location where you can deer watch. Along with St James Park which is a must if you love a good view! 


There's nothing more soothing than just laying in a pool. Well, you don't have to be on jetting off to have a dip in the pool this summer! London has a substantial amount of pools around the city. From themed parks like Alton Towers to your standard pools, found in most local areas. This is a great activity as you can go alone or with a group of people. 

An Outside Lunch 

If you find your self at your desk today, don't think you can't enjoy this day too. Why not use your lunch break as a chance to go for a walk and have lunch outside. Among all those buildings, London is full of green spaces. I would suggest finding a food market and get some of that loved street food everyone talks about. You won't regret it! Why not check out our recent post on vegan street food!

DIY Home Cinema

Sometimes you want to see a film but do not want to go to the cinema. Today is the day you make your own home cinema. Grab some popcorn, set up your seating area, dim the lights and find the perfect film. You save money and have a great day! Grab your friends and make an evening of it. My tip to you is to make it themed. Groups love it; whether it is your childhood favorites or a Harry Potter marathon! It can put a whole new spin on things. 

Hopefully, our list has inspired your day and made you think differently. Make sure to rest and relax and treat yourself today!

- City Rooms


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