Best Outdoor Gyms in London!
Now whether you truly enjoy working out or not, i’m going to go with the majority and say probably not. It is still good for you to get your half hour of exercise daily. That being said though not everyone wants to pay out for an expensive gym membership to be in a hot sweaty space with lots of people who seem to know exactly what they’re doing whilst you may not have a clue. That’s okay though, we’ve got a couple options to help you out. Now whilst we're in July we may be enjoying some hot weather depending on how England wants to act. Now across London in some of the best parks they;’ve put out some really good quality outdoor gyms. They’re dotted across London and completely free to use. So you can enjoy the weather and get your half hour in without having to be around any sweaty people, other than yourself.
Starting with Roundwood Park, there is a great outdoor gym to enjoy. With all the outdoor equipment there are also multi-use game areas too for you to use. Not only have you got all the outdoor equipment there are free instructor led courses which you don;t even need to book in advance, you can just show up. If you want to walk it off though there is lots of space to go for a jog or walk before or after your workout. To make sure you get that warm-up and cool-down in. If you fancy making a day of the place though there is also a playground, cafe, and a wildlife area too, so invite your friends and enjoy the day with a workout in it as well.

There are so many more outdoor gyms across London to enjoy but we thought we would cover our favourites first. If there are any you enjoy let us know and we can make another list.
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