Drawing Exercises to Keep Your Creative Mind Busy!

Drawing is something that absolutely everyone can do, there are many limitations you feel you may come across, but we can assure you there is a way for you to enjoy drawing, lose yourself in it, get creative, and want to come back too. Here’s the thing though, drawing may come along with an art block. Sometimes you may not know what to draw and it just gets the better of you because you think if you;re going to be spending your time drawing it has to be worthwhile with a masterpiece at the end of the time you;ve dedicated to doing it. Drawing can be fun, and just to put some time away, to practise new things, and to simply enjoy in a time where you may not get to do your usual activities. You may be used to drawing, just may have trouble focusing for lo9ng periods of time, I just need to come away from that one piece you;ve been working on for weeks and look at something new. Either way we hope we can help you, we’ve got some interesting ideas. Starting off with something in...