Games to play on Skype with your friends!

Skyping your friends can be a lot of fun, but if you’re doing it every single day surely you might run out of things to talk about. You can only talk about the 20 steps you took to the kitchen and back a few times before your friends will have an exact mental map of the layout of your home. So that being said, we’ve got some ideas for some fun time wasters, and you might l;earn something about your friends too. There’s loads of games that you can download apps for or needs your notes but these are all word games and mind games so you don’t need anything but your friends and the endless amount of time together. 

You can start with the game ‘Two Truths, One Lie’. In this game you list three different things, one of them being a lie whilst the other two are truthful. The goal is for your friend to work out which one the lie was. Try to plan them out before you start listing them because it can get pretty obvious when all your brain could think of was that you broke your arm meeting Barack Obama. You can learn a lot about your friends, from weird facts, to how good they are at lying too. 

Next you can play ‘Tell a Story’. This game involves one person listing five words, and the goal for the other player is to make a meaningful short story that involves all five words. You can get some really funny stories, and who knows you may go on a whole tangent and make a whole story based on the five words too. Start off easy but most friends delve into ridiculous words pretty quickly so be ready. 

Now this is one of the most ridiculous games, but when the boredom truly hits it can be hilarious. This game involves saying the exact same word, with no previous hints. To explain it a bit better. You count down to three, then you blurt out any random word. From that, you keep counting down to three and saying a new word. The next word must be somewhat related to the last. So if one person says ‘shoes’ and someone says ‘house’ both people will say something relating to house or shoes, eventually you will fall on the ame word. It sounds ridiculous, and that's because it is, but the excitement that comes from matching the words is definitely worth it. 

Another classic game is Truth or Dare. Everyone knows this one, and there’s a lot you can do with it depending on how active or how lazy you want to be. You can only answer truths, and your friends will learn a lot about you, or you can take the risk of a dare and let your friends choose your fate for you.

20 Questions is an easy one for everyone too. One person thinks of a character, person, or object, and the other person has twenty guesses to get it right. All the questions have to be yes or no answers, but you can get it pretty easy if you ask the right things. Having your friends ask all these questions and have no idea makes it so much funnier. If your friend doesn’t get it in the twenty questions, you can give them another twenty tries but you’d have to dock some points for that.

Hopefully there are some games in there for your friends and you to kill some time on Skype playing. There is so much to do whilst on Skype and we have so many more ideas. If you want to hear them let us know and we will get on it for you.


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