Some of us have lifting routines, push days, pull days, leg days, and more. I know for a fact that not being able to go to the gym or get our daily workouts in is painful.
But guess what? Not all is lost.
Luckily, there are still ways for us to maintain our muscle or stay fit and not get fat during these days of isolation. There are many exercises and workouts we can do from home, without needing any equipment. If you’re more of a yoga person, there will be another blog soon just for you:)
The best thing to do is to work out in the morning, in a fasted state. Drink only water or black coffee or green tea beforehand, do this every day, and watch the six pack abs start showing.
Lets get started with our everyday morning home-workout.
Jumping jacks are one of the best exercises to start with, because you can do it standing in one spot, and it gets your heart rate to increase. It is an efficient total body workout that specifically target your glutes, quadriceps and hip flexors.
They are a good alternative to our usual cardio, such as running or jogging.
Squat with leg raise

These will make your legs feel and look strong and firm, while enhancing a well-toned butt
Push ups

If it’s too easy, do it with one leg hovering,
If its too hard to do a normal push up, start by keeping your knees on the floor, your foot raised, and lower yourself with your arms. After a few weeks, you’ll notice you’ll have the strength to do a proper push up.
Another workout that doesn’t need much explaining. Personally I try to do as many reps of these as I can, because these are efficient to get more toned in the belly and chest area.
It helps to put your feet under the sofa, or under the bed, or maybe ask someone to hold your feet down. It makes it a lot easier to do higher reps with better form if your legs are pinned down.
Doing plank, releases a neurochemical substance in the brain called endorphins, which are known to increase feelings of happiness and decrease feelings of stress. This pose can also aid in tension relief, as your body is encouraged to stretch and lengthen when performing the pose.
So, try to do this workout to max reps every morning, and if its easy, do it at night as well.
After a few weeks, you’ll notice the muscle definition in your body.
Don’t forget, the first few days will be painful if you’re not used to exercising, so make sure you drink plenty of water, get enough rest, and eat whole foods and protein.
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