Being indoors can get pretty boring, sometimes it’s hard to keep a good routine going and scrolling your phone for hours on end can get pretty tiring. You may find yourself with not so much to do, or so much to do you don’t know what to tackle first. We’ve decided to put together some of the best things to do whilst at home with no idea of what to do. We've got you covered for being creative, learning new things, getting some organising done and way more. We hope we can keep you busy!
Now is a better time than ever to learn something new. There are so many apps and websites that can help you learn a new language. Duolingo is one of the better known apps, and if you put in an hour or so everyday you’ll be able to have some quick conversations in no time. Find a friend or family member that wants to learn a new language too, and then you can Skype and help each other learn too. One app that’s really popular right now is Tik Tok and one of the best parts are all the dance trends that go around. Download the app and learn some of the top ones to keep you entertained and get you some exercise throughout the day. If you’re looking for something a little more frustrating, try learning how to use your non-dominant hand. Brush your teeth, and write some notes and see how long you last. Taking free online courses are also a great way to pick up that new hobby you’ve been thinking about, and YouTube has millions of videos to teach you everything.

Whilst we will be spending more time indoors we need to make sure we’re keeping our brain busy and challenging it best we can. Take on a puzzle with as many pieces as you can manage, or a Rubik’s cube! If that’s not right for you then look over some crossword puzzles instead. Haven't got any of these things in your house? Don’t stress the App store, and Play store has endless apps for puzzles, quizzes, and brain trainers for you to keep yourself challenged.
Whilst we want to keep the left side of our brain challenged, we also want the creative right side to be busy too. Now we know you’ve been scrolling through Pinterest of all those wonderful DIYs, go and try one, find a simple one and really give it a go. Then when you fail, throw it out and try a different one. Keep doing them until you get it to look like Pinterest or a spin off that you're just as happy with. Once you’ve done all of that you can make a blog of whatever you want to. Think of your favourite hobbies and passions and write about them. Even if they’re about different types of doorknobs, I can assure you there’s someone else out there that has that same passion and wants to read about it. You can take up paper craft too, make some origami hearts or go back to your school days and make a chatterbox to tell everyone’s futures. Jump on Skype and get your friends to join in too. Then if you haven't had any compliments by the end of the day sit in front of the mirror and draw a self portrait, whether you want to use pens, or paint, really try and see how accurate you can get it.
Everyone may be feeling a bit lonely right now, and now is a perfect time for you to reach out to friends and family with something nice to cheer them up. Whilst a text is always nice, get some paper and write a nice letter, it doesn’t have to be really loving and sweet, just a letter letting them know you’re thinking of them, draw a couple doodles in it, and some funny references of times together, Letters aren’t that common anymore so they’ll appreciate it when they get it through the mail, and may even keep it for years down the line to look back on. If you want to do more than a letter then you can put together a care-package. Get some of their favourite things, print off a couple pictures of the both of you and put it all together and send it over to them. Times like these it’s really sweet to receive something like this. One thing you can do for yourself is go through all your photos from the last year and pick out some of your favourites. There’s apps such as FreePrints that you can print off 45 pictures a month, then you can put them all together in a nice box or in a cute photo album. As much as it’s good to have your iCloud full of pictures, having them physically in front of you is really sweet too.

There’s so many things you can be watching right now, and if the options are so endless you can’t make up your mind then then we can help out. Get a free trial for any of the many streaming services and binge-watch as much as you can before it runs out, then go onto the next one! Plus that list of really long films you’ve been meaning to watch, you’ve got enough time for that now. Watch all of The Lord of the Rings in a marathon, or you can watch Star Wars, or Harry Potter maybe. If that’s not your thing there are endless genre marathon lists that you can go through like rom-coms and horror films. If you’re trying to watch the best of the best then go through the full list of films that won Best Picture at the Oscars. Prefer to go off of recommendations with friends? Make a Google Doc of all your favourites and invite friends and family to add theirs.

If you're finding that your space isn’t looking the best it could be and you have an extra couple hours in your day, you can do some organising and spring cleaning. Everyone has that random drawer in their house that’s just full of random stuff that may not have a perfect place, go through that and find those places for it. Once you've done that you can pull out all of your clothes, shoes, hat, scarves, everything. Go through all of it and Mari Kondo your entire wardrobe. Find new outfits by piecing different parts together that you haven’t before. If some stuff doesn’t fit you then there are so many charity shops around London that you can drop it off at when you’re ready to. If you need some extra cash then you can sell your clothes on places like Depop! Once you’ve done that you’ll be feeling a lot more organised! If that’s really not enough for you try organising your spice rack by alphabetical order.
Hopefully there’s some things on this list that can keep you busy when you’re bored at home!
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