Essentials for moving to Uni!

Off to uni? This is the essential checklist on what to take to university! You've probably arrived at this guide because you've realised you’re moving in in a week and you have no idea what to do half of you have a plastic bag of stuff and the other half of you have taken everything but the kitchen sink. Well luckily for you, we've done pretty much all the research for you. In fact, we've written the draft right here! It probably just needs a few tweaks from you based on your own personal needs… Don’t forget they will have shops where you're going, and it could be easier (and cheaper) to wait until arriving at university before buying some items. Not only have we a great list of things to take with you, but we’ve listed some shops that do great student deals and discounts.

Your bedroom for the next year will be a place for sleeping, essay writing and snuggling. Unless you prefer the hospital-room look for the inside of your accommodation, it’s time to decorate. Photographs for your wall, a few small items that remind you of home and a cushion selection to rival John Lewis’s are a solid start. Also consider the following:

- A couple of sets of bedding, to limit the stress on washing day.
- Loads of hangers, because you can’t exist on four for a year.
- A hot water bottle and a desk fan for inclement weather!
- A first-aid kit, because everyone needs plasters.
- A diffuser to make your room smell nice – candles won’t be allowed. Muji has them.
- Cleaning is therapeutic, so bring some basic cleaning products. No one likes a smelly corridor-mate.
- Your laundry basket acts as both a transportation device on washing day and protects your floor from smelly socks.

Don’t buy up the whole of Paperchase – it’s expensive. Take things a term at a time: without your timetable, it’s difficult to plan how you’re going to organise your notes. Buying stationery is fun, but easily overdone. However…

- You will find continual uses for Post-its – for bookmarking pages, party games and leaving notes on your door.
- A new diary is essential for keeping track of everything: deadlines, socials, holidays.
- Cue cards, highlighters and multicoloured pens might seem “so A-level” but uni is also for work. 
- Take two pens to each lecture in case one fails.
- Make sure you have an external hard drive to back up important work (picture your third-year dissertation going up in a puff of cybersmoke), and get a couple of USB sticks to have in your pencil case, on your key ring, navel piercing etc

Here’s that list we promised of stores that offer great deals and discounts for uni students!

- Currys PC World
- Schuh
- Superdrug
- Wilko
- Amazon Student (Amazon shopping hacks)
- Argos

Hopefully we've given you some helpful tips for moving to your Uni, and good luck!


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