Home Exercises

Sometimes it’s not easy to keep on top of everything you’ve got going on in life, whether it be work, studying, a social life and more you can’t always seem to squeeze in that time to get to the gym and keep it up consistently. However even if you feel like you make time for the gym, the costs just keep rising even paying monthly the cost to go to a packed sweaty gym is just not that appealing even if you did decide you wanted to spend an hour there. Basically what I’m getting to is that fact that exercising at home is a great solution. You may think that you may not have the equipment or space, but some of the things I’ll be talking about is ways to get around this and hopefully stay motivated to work out, and not spend a single penny.

Firstly, getting into a daily workout routine, that you can do morning, or night, or whenever you feel like. Have a look at what areas you want to target and build up a short plan you can cycle through quickly. Here’s a routine that will tackle a bit of everything, and a good place to start. Before starting, don’t forget to warm up, it’s so important to do so, even if you do it for one or two minutes, it will help stretch out the muscles a bit and get your heart rate pumping so you can avoid any injuries!

Work Out
1 min: March in place to warm up
After the warm up, here is exactly what you need to do:
20 bodyweight squats
12 push ups
20 walking lunges – 10 each leg
15 second plank
30 jumping jacks

Once you’ve got through all of these, depending on how you’re feeling you can cycle through them again, don’t over do it every day though, let it poush you but keep it consistent, if you go to hard for day 1, day 2 and 3 you’ll feel too exhausted to stay motivated to even try. The best thing to do after completing the workout, no matter how many cycles you did is to cool down, and do some stretches. As all your muscles have been working hard you need to stretch them back out to keep them good for the next day. As this isn’t a workout that you’d do every single day, you can do this for 2-4 days out of the week and then use the other days to either rest or exercise on a different are of the body, whilst your other muscles rest.

If you feel you aren’t able to stay motivated and follow your own homemade routine there are hundreds and thousands of exercise videos out there for any age, sex, body type, or goal. With calmer videos if you want to do some peaceful workouts or options that are upbeat, and loud to really get you pumped up. Just going onto Youtube you’’ be so overwhelmed with options it may take you awhile to find something you like. A great option is to find a fitness coach you like and follow the types of videos they put out, if you like someone's energy and how they motivate you, it’s great to stick with them.

Now, if you need a bit more stability and structure than just a homemade routine, and Youtube just isn’t doing it for you then another great option to keep on top of things is fitness apps. They’re great resources for at-home workouts. You can find options with guided workouts, the right music for you, and trackers that keep records of how well you’re doing an the progress you’re making. There's lots of free options out there for you to get into.


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