Famous people born in London

London is one of the top cities of the world and, as such, it was the place of origin of a lot of people who became famous in due to their important work on their areas and changed the world and they did it in their own way.

Charles Chaplin: The most famous comedian actor, Chaplin was a revolutionary artist who changes the film industry in the silent era due to his work about topics never treated before: poverty (“The Kid”), love (“City Lights”), problems about capitalism (“Modern Times”), or giving a funny point of view about Hitler (“The Great Dictator”) for example. He had to go into exile in Switzerland until his death due to he had problems with the FBI.
Unfortunately, he only won two Oscars: One for “The Kid” and another one for his professional trajectory

Henry VIII: Born in Greenwich, during his reign he married and divorced a lot of times. This was the reason why he broke up with the Roman Catholic Church and set up the Anglicanism, becoming himself the head of this church. Furthermore, Henry VIII found the Royal Navy, which put United Kingdom on the top of the world until World War II.

Virginia Woolf: She was one of the most important english writer of the twentieth century, and an important intellectual too. She suffered a bipolar disorder during all her life, and one day Woolf drowned herself by filling her overcoat pockets with stones and walking into the river near her home.
Her essays are still used by the feminist movement until today.

David Beckham: Sports marketing wouldn't be the same without this football player. Beckham is not only famous for being a magnificent football player who played in Manchester United or Real Madrid for example, but also his beauty too. He was a pioneer in the sport star advertising area, and now other sport stars are doing sport advertising too.

David Bowie: “Ziggy Stardust”, “The Thin White Duke”, “Aladdin Sane”... He had a lot of artistic names but he was just one man. Bowie was one of the top music artists during 60’s and 70’s, leaving a lot of cool songs like “Changes” or “Starman” among others. In fact, his dress code influenced the pop culture during that time.

Christopher Lee: Young people may only know him for his roles in the “Lord of the rings” and “Star Wars” sagas, but Lee began his actor career frightening to all ages people acting like Dracula, The Mummy or Dr. Frankenstein during the 50’s.
Image result for amy winehouse

Amy Winehouse: Amy’s music got the approval of the people and music critics thanks to her personal voice and her charisma on stage. Her album “Back to back” was a huge hit that helped Amy to play in the most important places of the world, it was a pity that the fame and her personal problems made her to commit suicide.


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