Help the planet become a better place :)
Recycling in East London is quick and easy. It’s about making a simple choice between putting items in your bin or recycling them.
But each council has different rules and different policies.
Even better than recycling is reducing the amount of waste we produce in the first place and this can save you lots of money too.
Difference between Recycling or not
You really can make a difference by recycling. Recycling  
·        Creates jobs: nationally up to 563,000 new jobs could be created if we all recycle more
·         Reduces waste disposal costs: we would save up to £500,000 a year
·         Helps tackle climate change: paper and other biodegradable items create greenhouse gases when they rot in landfill sites contributing to climate change
·         Saves energy: less energy is used than making items from new e.g. every plastic bottle recycled saves enough energy to power a light bulb for six hours
·         Saves raw materials: by recycling materials we reduce the need for mining materials which create substantial air and water pollution.
There are two different bins at tower hamlets black bins and purple recycling bins but for special items there is a recycling centre at Yabsley St.
Black bins
We must use black bags and carrier bags and is only to throw food waste and non-recyclable plastic or non-recyclable glass, to know if your plastic or glass is recyclable check the wrapper
What goes in a purple recycling bins and what goes to the Recycling centre
Aerosols: We can recycle empty aerosol canisters through the pink sacks and purple recycling
Bottles (glass and plastic): Glass bottles and jars: we can recycle all colours of glass bottles and jars (even blue glass) through the pink sacks and purple recycling bins, just give them a quick rinse.
We can recycle any type of plastic bottles, even cleaning product and shampoo bottles, through the pink sacks and purple recycling bins, just give them a quick rinse.
Cans: We can easily recycle food and drink cans through the pink sacks and purple recycling bins. 95% less energy is used to make cans from recycled aluminium than from the raw materials.  
Cartons: We can recycle food and drink cartons through the pink sacks and purple recycling bins, just give them a quick rinse
Clothes: Take unwanted clothes to a local charity shop. There are several Spitalfields Crypt Trust charity shops in the borough that would be grateful for donations of good, clean clothing.
Alternatively, you recycle them through a network of special charity textile recycling banks throughout the borough
Computers and monitors: Computers and IT equipment can be taken to Northumberland Wharf Reuse and Recycling Centre.
Cooking oil: We can drop off waste cooking oil at Northumberland Wharf Reuse and Recycling Centre.
Discs (video and audio): Discs can be recycled at Northumberland Wharf Reuse and Recycling Centre.
Electrical items:  Every year an estimated one million tonnes of waste electronic and electrical equipment are discarded in the UK.
Unwanted electrical appliances including items like computer monitors, printers, fax machines, hair dryers, digital watches, electronic toys can be taken to Northumberland Wharf Reuse and Recycling Centre.
Residents can also arrange a collection of large items such as washing machines (white goods).
Food waste: Food waste is a great resource and shouldn’t go to waste!  Each month, the average family throws away £50 of food that was bought but not eaten.
Furniture and other large items: you can take your items to Northumberland Wharf Reuse and Recycling Centre or request a special collection of bulky waste. For more information see our large items or give and take pages.
Glass bottles and jars: We can easily recycle all colours of glass bottles and jars (even blue glass) through the pink sacks and purple recycling bins, just give them a quick rinse.
Mattresses: some retailers offer a take back scheme for mattresses, when you buy a new mattress.
Mattresses can be recycled at Northumberland Wharf Reuse and Recycling Centre.
Paper: We can easily recycle paper through the pink sacks and purple recycling bins, just remove any plastic wrapping from magazines.
Plastic bottles and containers: We can recycle any type of plastic containers such as plastic drink bottles, cleaning product bottles, toiletry bottles, plastic flower pots, margarine containers, ice cream tubs, gift packaging boxes, fruit punnets and yoghurt pots through the pink sacks and purple recycling bins, just give them a quick rinse.
We hope that we’ve been useful to make a cleaner environment  


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