How to overcome your job interview in London

When you are looking for a job in London you must be prepared.
First of all, When you find an interview In London it is important to be punctual and arrive few minutes before the interview, make sure you find the right address where the interview is taking place and calculate the time it will take you to get there.

The first impression is important, so having a good image could help you to get the job. The image how ever is not the main concern of the employer,but it is very important as that sets an impression of you as a possible employee.

What you want a manager of the company to see is that you are  someone who can be a part of their team, someone whose appearance does not harm the company's image.

Basic rules of dressing:

Dress appropriately for the job you are applying - similar or even better of the people who are working there.

If you want to give dynamic image, avoid wearing just a classic suit. Wear something smart,but modern. Avoid looking  flashy.

Never wear jeans even if it is acceptable for the company.

The nails trimmed and a haircut, If you have a beard must be well presented and looked after.
Everything you wear should be clean, the shirt ironed and all the buttons closed.

Don’t wear tight clothing.

For the interview:
Take multiple copies of your CV, if there is more than one interviewer.

When you arrive greet the interviewer, shake hands firmly,but not too tightly. Wait until you are offered a chair, sit well, slightly forward to show more interest. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, keep eye contact with the other person. Body language is very important!

Try to look relaxed and sure of yourself.  If you doubt yourself to be  qualified for the job it is noted.

Listen carefully and let the interviewer finish asking a question before answering.

Try to smile. The Smile generates sympathy in the other person and facilitates communication.

Avoid subjects that have a negative sense and always keep a professional attitude towards previous employer whilst talking about it.

If it is necessary ask the interviewer to speak slower, or to repeat something if you have not understood something that has been said or asked.

The most frequent questions that are often asked in a job interview in London are:

  • “Tell me about yourself.” Usually it is the first question.
  • “Tell me about your studies and previous employments.” Talk about the relevant studies for the job you want. Describe your previous professional experiences.
  • “Tell me about what you can bring to our company.” Answering this question you have to prove you are appropriate for the position you have applied for and show your knowledge.
  • “Wath you know about our company?” To be able to answer this question Before the interview you need to prepare and investigate the company to appear interested in the work.
  • “Why you want to work here?” Often the interview finish with this question. Answering this question you have to flatter the company and show you are interested in working in the particular field and that you think that this job  will provide experience in your professional life.

If there is a question you find difficult , take your time to think of the answer.

Your emotions are transmitted to the interviewer, If you are afraid person is going to feel it, or if  you are confident that will be noticed as well.

Interviewer has had a lot of interviews and only candidates who leave the strongest impression of themselves will be remembered.

Final tip before the interview is to just relax. Motivate yourself.
We are wishing you good luck!

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