How many banks are there in london?

What is the best Bank for foreigners within the European Union?

How many banks are there in London? and which is the best for open your account? 

Most employers pay you directly through the current account.  What to do?

The DNI is often not accepted by many British banks. You have to process the passport, if you have not already. Introductions to the DNI and passport, identity card that also has your address in Spain.

Just find a job, you have to make preparing a letter from your employer. This is standard letters which certifies that you started working from a date and you paid weekly or monthly. Your employer can advise your bank deposit.

Request to open an account "Basic", where you have the right to bare (overdraft) and almost always no debit card (at first), or an account "Saving" is not always found. You can direct debit to pay these types of accounts and after a few months transfer everything to a standard account.

You'll be pleased to discover that the British accounts generally do not have:

Expenses open / close;

Maintenance expenses;

Expenses debit card use and other types of cards;

Expenses stubs.

Advice of Thecityrooms open account in these banks:


Lloyds Tsb


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