Fun Date Ideas!

Going on dates in London can get pretty boring pretty quick if your idea of a date is dinner or drinks. There’s only so much you can learn about someone by the personality they set up for the first date you go on. So, it’s time to break out of that rut you know, the museums and brunch can be great too but it’s still not what we’re aiming for. You may have a great time, and even better learn enough about your date on whether you want a second date or not. Get out of your comfort zone, get competitive, and creative with these three different date ideas! Firstly, here is a great opportunity to see what your dates culinary skills are like. Are you the type that can barely boil pasta, or are you the next contestant for the Great British Bake Off? Either way you can have a great time between going through the class, enjoying the process. You may just see if they’re the type to get just a bit frustrated when you make a mess of the counter as well. Seen as dating is a way to see if you l...