How many banks are there in london?

What is the best Bank for foreigners within the European Union ? How many banks are there in London ? and which is the best for open your account? Most employers pay you directly through the current account. What to do ? The DNI is often not accepted by many British banks . You have to process the passport , if you have not already . Introductions to the DNI and passport , identity card that also has your address in Spain . Just find a job , you have to make preparing a letter from your employer. This is standard letters which certifies that you started working from a date and you paid weekly or monthly. Your employer can advise your bank deposit. Request to open an account " Basic", where you have the right to bare ( overdraft) and almost always no debit card ( at first) , or an account " Saving" is not always found . You can direct debit to pay these types of accounts and...