Keep Calm and Carry on....

You probably already know the famous poster " Keep Calm and Carry On " but, do you know where does it come from? These publication was designed by the British Government in 1939, when the Second World War was started. Its aim was motivational and it was focused on strengthen British people's morale in the event of a wartime disaster, such as mass bombing of major cities using high explosives and poison gas . Its distribution was limited, although more than 2,500,000 posters were produced, that is the reason why there were not well known at that time. This publication came after other two which said: " Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might " y "Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory ". How does the last years " Boom" start? Its re-discovery took place in the year 2000 ,when Stuart Manley and his...